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Mobile phone burglar alarm applications
Date:2017-7-3 9:24:36      Views:    

Mobile phone anti-theft alarm with the function of the phone care, with infrared remote control switch system,  the remote control can be anti-theft device for anti-theft, while a rechargeable lithium battery, optional  external DC-6V external power supply, A display stand or a horizontal display stand. Now the phone burglar  alarm to support the phone to charge, to avoid the guests in the experience of mobile phones, do not worry  about mobile phone power problems. So, mobile phone burglar alarm in which specific occasions can be used, the  following to introduce you.

The first introduction of mobile phone burglar alarm communication shop is a large digital stores, such as  the United States, Suning and other large shopping malls, supermarkets a wide range of digital products, and  most of the downtown area, more people, sales staff can not personally care, taking into account Theft  problems, so many mobile phone business through mobile phone anti-theft device for product care. In the use of  mobile phone anti-theft alarm, the customer can freely experience, and experience time indefinite, experience  the digital product category is not limited, can maximize the customer's desire to stimulate and real demand.  Mobile phone anti-theft device applied to the supermarkets, but also to avoid the inflow of places where some  unnecessary losses, the best anti-theft function.

The major mobile phone brand store is also the use of mobile phone burglar alarm frequency is higher,  Apple mobile phone swept the world after the domestic Apple experience shop all of a sudden up, positioning  high-end Apple phone is not anyone can easily afford, but There are still many people in the experience of  Apple experience after the store will come up with some savings to buy usually do not decide to buy the Apple  phone, the brand effect is formed from the experience bit by bit, a variety of smart phones on the brand store  , The customer can experience their own comparison, choose their favorite phone.

China Mobile, China Unicom, telecommunications and other business offices are also equipped with a mobile  phone burglar alarm, so that customers free to experience a variety of brands of mobile phones, neither affect  the customer experience, but also effectively prevent the product stolen.